Shenmao Capacitors специализируется на алюминиевых электролитических конденсаторах с 1970 года.


Is there instruction manual for 10uf 400v electrolytic capacitor ?
Shenzhen Shen MaoXin Electronics Co., Ltd. has ready instructions for you to fulfill the requirements, saving time and providing warranties. Appropriate functioning in line with the directions will impact the efficacy and longevity of this electrolytic capacitor . Besides advice, our professional services staff can offer specialist advice and support.

Shen MaoXin is a supplier who supplies elaborate radial capacitor. The screw terminal capacitor series is one of the main products of Shen MaoXin. The design of Shenmao electrolytic capacitor polarity is of very professionalism. It is carried out by apparel designers who have deep knowledge of pattern construction, tailoring, sewing, as well as computer-aided design software. It can improve the power efficiency of electricity. The product poses no risk of electric shock. Having passed a dielectric voltage-withstand test, it is guaranteed that it can withstand high voltage. The product has been certified under CE and RoHS.

Shen MaoXin firmly believes that high quality and professional services will ultimately pay off. Ask!
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